Featured image for “Inkjet driving insourcing for state in-plants”
May 2, 2024

Inkjet driving insourcing for state in-plants

State in-plants are leveraging inkjet to replace toner and offset and insource more work. Learn about two operations with a focus on increased workflow automation, and improved service for state agencies through higher quality applications run on inkjet.
Featured image for “The Inevitability of Technology Shifts and How to Communicate with Credibility”
April 3, 2024

The Inevitability of Technology Shifts and How to Communicate with Credibility

Technology is always changing and the best solution or component last year may not be a fit this year. OEMs and integrators must communicate technology shifts with credibility when they inevitably arise.
Featured image for “More Considerations for Your Ink Economics Journey – Part 2”
March 12, 2024

More Considerations for Your Ink Economics Journey – Part 2

The value proposition of “magic inks” as applied to your current ink usage profile may vary. When is it better to use multiple fluids as needed?
Featured image for “Considerations for Your Ink Economics Journey – Part 1”
March 5, 2024

Considerations for Your Ink Economics Journey – Part 1

Learn the role of this essential element in your inkjet cost equations.
Featured image for “To Allow or Not Allow: 3rd Party Inks. An OEM Perspective.”
February 28, 2024

To Allow or Not Allow: 3rd Party Inks. An OEM Perspective.

Buyers want lower ink costs but what must an OEM must consider before letting 3rd party inks on their press?
Featured image for “Voice of the Customer: Tidewater Direct’s Inkjet Journey”
February 21, 2024

Voice of the Customer: Tidewater Direct’s Inkjet Journey

Geoffrey Eisenberg discusses Tidewater Direct’s 7 year inkjet journey, and experience with Screen Americas
Featured image for “Inkjet justification – do you know how much is outsourced?”
February 13, 2024

Inkjet justification – do you know how much is outsourced?

PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP CONTENT This content is part of our premium membership offering. If  access to unbiased actionable insight on production inkjet is relevant to your business, please consider supporting us
Featured image for “Inkjet cutsheet vs. continuous feed – what’s the application mix?”
January 24, 2024

Inkjet cutsheet vs. continuous feed – what’s the application mix?

Choosing the best inkjet solution requires an analysis of labor, cost, flexibility, substrates, image quality, area coverage, sheet size, throughput, finishing, automation, workflow integration, service, and total footprint. Defining your operational goals will support the best decision.
Featured image for “Three Factors driving in-plant inkjet investments”
September 7, 2023

Three Factors driving in-plant inkjet investments

In-plant print operations are making inkjet investments to address 3 challenges. Inkjet adoption is being driven by the convergence of difficulty with labor and training, the desire for workflow automation and reducing total cost of operation compared to offset and toner.
Featured image for “It’s Fun to Play with the T-C-O-P!”
July 26, 2023

It’s Fun to Play with the T-C-O-P!

Printers! There’s a thing you should know! I said, Printers! To keep track of your dough! You can make more, and I’m sure you will do
 what you need to increase revenue! (sung to YMCA!)
Featured image for “Debunking definitive crossover claims”
June 22, 2023

Debunking definitive crossover claims

There is no magic crossover point between inkjet and offset. Here’s why.
Featured image for “Get a guide for the inkjet jungle”
June 7, 2023

Get a guide for the inkjet jungle

Utility in-plant Salt River Project (SRP) sought industry expertise to right size their print operation. Consultants guided the client with a three step process by assessing, defining future state, and educating SRP. By embracing education SRP is ready to effectively issue an RFP for new digital/inkjet printers.
Featured image for “What You Don’t Know About Print Volumes and Inkjet”
April 6, 2023

What You Don’t Know About Print Volumes and Inkjet

If you want to make good decisions about inkjet, you need to take a long hard look at your entire book of business. This post discusses the common issues that arise when decisions are made without proper analysis of all of a company’s print volume – whether they think it can transition to inkjet or not.
Featured image for “Shopping for Inkjet at Hunkeler Innovation Days”
March 23, 2023

Shopping for Inkjet at Hunkeler Innovation Days

Attendees at the Hunkeler Innovation Days conference were motivated to seek new solutions to address their labor challenges. Their goals were: improving automation, simplifying workflow, improved throughput, and decreasing manufacturing time.
Featured image for “Everyday Voice-of-Customer: How to Capture Insights from Every Customer Interaction”
February 21, 2023

Everyday Voice-of-Customer: How to Capture Insights from Every Customer Interaction

Whether you sell print services, printing presses, or support those industries, your sales and service representatives probably make hundreds of calls annually. You can multiply the value of those calls by applying simple, “Everyday VOC” techniques.
Featured image for “Multi-faceted decision criteria drives inkjet and offset investments”
February 15, 2023

Multi-faceted decision criteria drives inkjet and offset investments

Book and magazine printer, Maracle evaluates new digital, inkjet and offset to support growth. Workflow automation drives significant reductions in labor, time to market and paper waste complicating the TCO analysis between offset and inkjet decisions.

Featured image for “First, know what is profitable”
January 10, 2023

First, know what is profitable

To sell profitably and reduce risk you need to know what is actually profitable. It’s not always easy. Here are some ideas for doing better.
Featured image for “Sales people are a valuable resource”
December 14, 2022

Sales people are a valuable resource

Remove barriers, build trust and optimize your sales force to sell profitable products and services.
Featured image for “Getting Better all the Time”
December 6, 2022

Getting Better all the Time

Some changes in approach and attitude can yield business benefits without investment in software or hardware. Keep getting better!

Featured image for “What Do We Mean by Inkjet Productivity?”
October 12, 2022

What Do We Mean by Inkjet Productivity?

We talk about inkjet productivity as though one size fits all, but in practice it is a function of what you need. And we all need different things. Consider the differences between industrial and production productivity and review our checklist for assessing what you need.

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Device Finder consolidates inkjet device specifications from OEMs around the world into a single, searchable database.
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Paper Finder

Paper Finder consolidates inkjet paper specifications from mills around the world into a single, searchable database.
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