Featured image for “Finding the coolest of the cool at drupa”
July 17, 2024

Finding the coolest of the cool at drupa

At least one person thought drupa was pretty cool this year. What caught her eye?
Featured image for “Leveraging Cost Efficiency and Automation in In-Plant Consolidation”
May 22, 2024

Leveraging Cost Efficiency and Automation in In-Plant Consolidation

Christus Health consolidated from 5 to 2 in-plant operations. Investments in automation and inkjet will improve service, reduce costs, and positively impact patient experience.
Featured image for “Inkjet, Partnerships, and Joint Development Agreements”
May 16, 2024

Inkjet, Partnerships, and Joint Development Agreements

With Drupa on the horizon and the impending unveiling of new inkjet innovations, this article digs in to how solutions can be created through partnerships. We’ll look at when partnering makes sense, consideration before entering into a Joint Development Agreement and some examples of recent Inkjet industry partnerships.
Featured image for “Automation: The Strategic Plan”
January 10, 2024

Automation: The Strategic Plan

Automation is not a single out-of-the-box widget or panacea to remedy the many challenges in your print organization.
Featured image for “Automate This, Then That”
December 12, 2023

Automate This, Then That

Automation is a universally understood benefit for any print shop. Yet, automation paralysis sets in quickly when trying to sort out what and where to automate across many products and the associated thousands of individual processes. The key to success is to approach it from a different perspective.
Featured image for “Workflow Mining: Finding Overt & Covert Processes”
November 30, 2023

Workflow Mining: Finding Overt & Covert Processes

Some workflow processes are obvious. Others are like a shadow government hiding below the surface adding risk and inefficiency.
Featured image for “It’s Time for Web-to-Pack Enabled by Inkjet!”
August 3, 2023

It’s Time for Web-to-Pack Enabled by Inkjet!

Web-to-pack requires an expanded definition of the key processes that ensure the ability to run at capacity, especially when integrating inkjet into the process.
Featured image for “Tool Time Versus Club Med”
June 27, 2023

Tool Time Versus Club Med

Part of your business strategy is how you manage your labor. You look at the tasks and roles and what level of expertise you need in the person assigned. For maintenance operations, when you deploy team members and when you take advantage of maintenance programs offered by the vendors requires a careful look at your options.
Featured image for “Data, Data, Everywhere! But…”
May 23, 2023

Data, Data, Everywhere! But…

Every business has data. CCM specialists, print specialists, and multi-channel producers have data coming out of their ears. There is customer data, job data, inventory data, machine data, color data, financial data. Oh my! All the data impacts your ability to produce the work. Get control of the data to improve processes, become more efficient, and drive more profit!
Featured image for “Making Money: Profit Takes More than Revenue”
March 22, 2023

Making Money: Profit Takes More than Revenue

Controlling costs is essential to any business, but there is more to ending the year profitably. Find the data that can help you make the best decisions about what products to offer in the markets you serve, and then review a key set of performance indicators regularly.
Featured image for “Navigating Industrial Inkjet Development”
March 16, 2023

Navigating Industrial Inkjet Development

An introduction into the many factors and technologies to be brought together to achieve a custom inkjet solution
Featured image for “3 Inkjet Workflow Pain Points – 1 Answer Part 2”
February 16, 2023

3 Inkjet Workflow Pain Points – 1 Answer Part 2

In Part 2 the focus turns to Paper and Capital Investments. In the world of inkjet, these are essential elements to understand and control. Let’s reduce the friction to allow the inkjet devices to be as productive as possible. Leverage your data to make good decisions.
Featured image for “3 Inkjet Workflow Pain Points, 1 Answer – Part 1”
February 8, 2023

3 Inkjet Workflow Pain Points, 1 Answer – Part 1

In this series we look at three of the top inkjet workflow pain points and paths to reducing the friction they cause with one technique that pays off. It starts with data but doesn’t end there. Data requires analysis and interpretation.
Featured image for “Web-to-print is vital to inkjet: buy or build?”
January 19, 2023

Web-to-print is vital to inkjet: buy or build?

No two print operations are identical. Equipment mixes, selling cultures, customers and products all vary from site to site. With so much variation in business processes, when should inkjet producers buy their essential web-to-print or digital storefront solution off-the-shelf and when is the best path a customized solution? It starts with an assessment!
Featured image for “Three transition trends for 2023”
December 21, 2022

Three transition trends for 2023

Did your business change over the last couple of years? What have you done to cope? Did you hire new people, add automation to workflows, buy a company, sell a pieces of business, or find new ways to navigate supply chain issues? If any of these items look familiar, you are on the same ride as most of your peers. Let’s find the learnings to get ready for 2023.
Featured image for “You’re Invited to a Colorful Friendsgiving”
November 21, 2022

You’re Invited to a Colorful Friendsgiving

Mary has a free color resource for her friends. Please register (for free) to download .ase files.
Featured image for “Print composition evolves in an omni-channel world”
November 8, 2022

Print composition evolves in an omni-channel world

OpenText and Papyrus leading print/mail composition tools, are enhancing their products to support client migration to cloud and SaaS models for omni-channel communications. Clients are demanding product features for less technical users and a better UI. 

Featured image for “BlueCrest Unveils Print+ StatementTM In-line Document Printing Solution”
October 17, 2022

BlueCrest Unveils Print+ StatementTM In-line Document Printing Solution

BlueCrest, the global producer in the high-volume postal and parcel automation market, is today announcing the launch of the Print+ Statement™.
Featured image for “Face-to-face idea sharing is where I learn best”
September 6, 2022

Face-to-face idea sharing is where I learn best

Attending in-person conferences provides the best environment for peer learning. SMEs will share insights and stories at Xplor22 Why “Build versus Buy” May Be the Riskiest Decision You Make. And Combat Paper, Ink & Labor Challenges! ROI and Customer Stories from the Trenches. 

Featured image for “Sustainable Printing & Dusobox Partnership Delivers Eight-fold Prepress Staff Reduction”
August 18, 2022

Sustainable Printing & Dusobox Partnership Delivers Eight-fold Prepress Staff Reduction

Release Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 Press release from the issuing company Leading automation provider Significans Automation (www.significans.com) has facilitated the launch of the country’s newest digital corrugate printing company,

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