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March 12, 2024

More Considerations for Your Ink Economics Journey – Part 2

The value proposition of “magic inks” as applied to your current ink usage profile may vary. When is it better to use multiple fluids as needed?
Featured image for “Considerations for Your Ink Economics Journey – Part 1”
March 5, 2024

Considerations for Your Ink Economics Journey – Part 1

Learn the role of this essential element in your inkjet cost equations.
February 23, 2019

Not-So-Simple Discussion of Inkjet Economics – Part 3

Part Three in the Inkjet Economics series by Elizabeth Gooding. This time discussing how simple assumptions about timing can have a big impact on evaluation and profitability.
November 13, 2018

Inkjet Economics – Operating Costs – Part 2 of 3

When looking at a big ticket item like a production inkjet device, the one with the lowest price may seem like the best choice. The cost of the machine is the big number (the race car) that will play the smallest role in total cost of ownership. It’s the operating costs that can make or break your return on investment.

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