Featured image for “September Inkjet Installation Roundup”
October 14, 2022

September Inkjet Installation Roundup

For September, we became aware of six new inkjet installations, four in the U.S. and one each in Germany and France.
Featured image for “High-Speed Finishing for High-Speed Inkjet”
February 23, 2022

High-Speed Finishing for High-Speed Inkjet

Learn about new unwind and rewind options, cutters, folders, stackers, perforators, stitchers, and wrappers, as well as full inline booklet makers and book manufacturing solutions for inkjet. While press manufacturers cranked up the speed on continuous presses and added sheetfed inkjet, the finishing vendors went into overdrive.
Featured image for “More on Paragon Customer Communications – Part 2 – Video”
June 6, 2019

More on Paragon Customer Communications – Part 2 – Video

Dave Phillips of Paragon Customer Communications is back with more details on 2 very different UK sites where cutting edge inkjet equipment coexists with some more “old school” tech. Dave provides insight on working with inkjet and coated paper, best fit of different inkjet technologies and the implications of GDPR requirements for transaction printers and direct mailers.

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Inkjet Tools

Device Finder

Device Finder consolidates inkjet device specifications from OEMs around the world into a single, searchable database.
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Paper Finder

Paper Finder consolidates inkjet paper specifications from mills around the world into a single, searchable database.
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Workflow & Software Finder

Search by category to find the tools & software that drive inkjet productivity.
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Finishing Finder

Search by category to find the finishing systems that drives inkjet productivity.
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