Lois Ritarossi, CMC®, is the President of High Rock Strategies, a consulting firm focused on sales and marketing strategies, and business growth for firms in the print, mail and communication sectors. Lois brings her clients a cross functional skill set and strategic thinking with disciplines in business strategy, sales process, sales training, marketing, software implementation, inkjet transformation and workflow optimization. You can reach Lois at HighRockStrategies.com
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New Inkjet Applications and Efficiencies for In-Plants

In-Plants’ Challenges: Organizational Visibility

Inkjet Justification – Cost & Benefits of Manufacturing

In-Plants – A Rose by Any Other Name
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Inkjet Tools
Device Finder
Device Finder consolidates inkjet device specifications from OEMs around the world into a single, searchable database.
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Paper Finder
Paper Finder consolidates inkjet paper specifications from mills around the world into a single, searchable database.
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Workflow & Software Finder
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Finishing Finder
Search by category to find the finishing systems that drives inkjet productivity.
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