Articles By Lois Ritarossi

Lois Ritarossi, CMC®, is the President of High Rock Strategies, a consulting firm focused on sales and marketing strategies, and business growth for firms in the print, mail and communication sectors. Lois brings her clients a cross functional skill set and strategic thinking with disciplines in business strategy, sales process, sales training, marketing, software implementation, inkjet transformation and workflow optimization. You can reach Lois at

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Featured image for “When One Size Doesn’t Fit . . . Integrators Deliver Direct Mail Solutions”
July 9, 2024

When One Size Doesn’t Fit . . . Integrators Deliver Direct Mail Solutions

Inkjet Integrators in the mailing mainstream at the National Postal Forum
Featured image for “Leveraging Cost Efficiency and Automation in In-Plant Consolidation”
May 22, 2024

Leveraging Cost Efficiency and Automation in In-Plant Consolidation

Christus Health consolidated from 5 to 2 in-plant operations. Investments in automation and inkjet will improve service, reduce costs, and positively impact patient experience.
Featured image for “Inkjet driving insourcing for state in-plants”
May 2, 2024

Inkjet driving insourcing for state in-plants

State in-plants are leveraging inkjet to replace toner and offset and insource more work. Learn about two operations with a focus on increased workflow automation, and improved service for state agencies through higher quality applications run on inkjet.
Featured image for “Inkjet drives convergence of transactional and graphic arts applications”
April 4, 2024

Inkjet drives convergence of transactional and graphic arts applications

Inkjet has changed how printers define themselves. For the last 40 years five categories described the print industry. Companies would say their primary purpose was transactional, direct mail, financial, commercial or specialty print
Featured image for “Inkjet justification – do you know how much is outsourced?”
February 13, 2024

Inkjet justification – do you know how much is outsourced?

PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP CONTENT This content is part of our premium membership offering. If  access to unbiased actionable insight on production inkjet is relevant to your business, please consider supporting us
Featured image for “Inkjet cutsheet vs. continuous feed – what’s the application mix?”
January 24, 2024

Inkjet cutsheet vs. continuous feed – what’s the application mix?

Choosing the best inkjet solution requires an analysis of labor, cost, flexibility, substrates, image quality, area coverage, sheet size, throughput, finishing, automation, workflow integration, service, and total footprint. Defining your operational goals will support the best decision.
Featured image for “If You Buy Inkjet, New Customers Will Find You”
January 17, 2024

If You Buy Inkjet, New Customers Will Find You

Lois Ritarossi talks with three Screen customers about how inkjet has transformed their companies, why they continue to invest in new technology, and the impact on their customers.
Featured image for “Inkjet addresses labor challenges as in-plants pursue operational efficiency”
December 6, 2023

Inkjet addresses labor challenges as in-plants pursue operational efficiency

In-plants are focused on strategies to improve their operations, increase efficiency, and enhance value to their organizations. Inkjet solutions are improving operations and motivating teams with new technologies and better workflows.
Featured image for “Three Factors driving in-plant inkjet investments”
September 7, 2023

Three Factors driving in-plant inkjet investments

In-plant print operations are making inkjet investments to address 3 challenges. Inkjet adoption is being driven by the convergence of difficulty with labor and training, the desire for workflow automation and reducing total cost of operation compared to offset and toner.
Featured image for “Get a guide for the inkjet jungle”
June 7, 2023

Get a guide for the inkjet jungle

Utility in-plant Salt River Project (SRP) sought industry expertise to right size their print operation. Consultants guided the client with a three step process by assessing, defining future state, and educating SRP. By embracing education SRP is ready to effectively issue an RFP for new digital/inkjet printers.
Featured image for “Voice of the Customer: Workflow Optimization and Partnerships Driving Inkjet Investments”
May 18, 2023

Voice of the Customer: Workflow Optimization and Partnerships Driving Inkjet Investments

Screen’s customers across print segments spoke at Hunkeler Innovationdays about their goals for workflow automation and their quest for innovation to serve customers. Screen is strong reliable partner that listens to their challenges and provide superior innovations and solutions.
Featured image for “Shopping for Inkjet at Hunkeler Innovation Days”
March 23, 2023

Shopping for Inkjet at Hunkeler Innovation Days

Attendees at the Hunkeler Innovation Days conference were motivated to seek new solutions to address their labor challenges. Their goals were: improving automation, simplifying workflow, improved throughput, and decreasing manufacturing time.
Featured image for “Multi-faceted decision criteria drives inkjet and offset investments”
February 15, 2023

Multi-faceted decision criteria drives inkjet and offset investments

Book and magazine printer, Maracle evaluates new digital, inkjet and offset to support growth. Workflow automation drives significant reductions in labor, time to market and paper waste complicating the TCO analysis between offset and inkjet decisions.

Featured image for “Win and save with USPS Promotions”
January 18, 2023

Win and save with USPS Promotions

USPS promotions that include transpromo, tactile and sensory components provide a 3-5% postage savings. With postage rates increasing twice annually, mailers and service providers can reduce postage while improving results with mail leveraging the promotions. 

Featured image for “Print composition evolves in an omni-channel world”
November 8, 2022

Print composition evolves in an omni-channel world

OpenText and Papyrus leading print/mail composition tools, are enhancing their products to support client migration to cloud and SaaS models for omni-channel communications. Clients are demanding product features for less technical users and a better UI. 

Featured image for “Print composition evolves in an omni-channel world”
October 18, 2022

Print composition evolves in an omni-channel world

Quadient and Messagepoint are investing in their UI to enable business users the ability to manage more without the need for IT. Customers are moving to centralize content to drive print and digital channels to eliminate silos of data and documents. Software firms’ customers are demanding easier API integrations with business systems. 

Featured image for “Face-to-face idea sharing is where I learn best”
September 6, 2022

Face-to-face idea sharing is where I learn best

Attending in-person conferences provides the best environment for peer learning. SMEs will share insights and stories at Xplor22 Why “Build versus Buy” May Be the Riskiest Decision You Make. And Combat Paper, Ink & Labor Challenges! ROI and Customer Stories from the Trenches. 

Featured image for “Inkjet Makes Staffing Easier”
July 19, 2022

Inkjet Makes Staffing Easier

PSPs have had to increase wages, benefits and recruiting strategies to fill open positions. Inkjet adoption has enabled printers to attract new and provide flexibility for customers as the industry adjusts to the paper supply challenges. Automated workflow solutions are driving growth.

Featured image for “USPS Promotions: Physical Mail Drives Digital Engagement”
March 29, 2022

USPS Promotions: Physical Mail Drives Digital Engagement

Print mail service providers are making it easier for their clients to leverage the USPS promotions with bundled services and campaign management. Clients are eager to show postal savings with rates increasing. The various promotions demonstrate mail is driving digital engagement. 

Featured image for “Industry Leaders Talk Book Publishing & Inkjet”
January 25, 2022

Industry Leaders Talk Book Publishing & Inkjet

Industry publishing leaders Brooke Warner of She Writes Press and Kevin Spall of Scholastic share how inkjet is impacting book printing. Despite resistance to change among large publishers, inkjet and digital book volumes are growing. Paper and labor shortages have fueled digital adoption to get books to market faster.

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