Featured image for “Cutsheet Inkjet in Europe”
August 6, 2020

Cutsheet Inkjet in Europe

In previous editions of this series I wrote about the main applications production inkjet is being used for, focusing mostly on roll-fed inkjet – the dominant production method so far. This is different for cutsheet inkjet, which is far more versatile and is used across a number of applications.
Featured image for “Packaging Innovation – Inside Out with Inkjet”
June 24, 2020

Packaging Innovation – Inside Out with Inkjet

Last week, David Zwang, Editor of WhatTheyThink and Mary Schilling, Partner at Inkjet Insight provided an overview of new and exciting developments coming to market that address packaging during Inkjet Insight’s Inkjet Innovation week. Here’s an overview of top trends and market entrants in all segments of inkjet for packaging.
Featured image for “What’s Happening in Sheet-Fed Inkjet?”
June 23, 2020

What’s Happening in Sheet-Fed Inkjet?

Get a high-level synopsis of the webinar “Opening New Markets with Sheet-Fed Inkjet Innovations,” covering the varied approaches to the market based on sheet size, print application segment and buyer profile. If your interest is piqued, you can listen to the full webinar and download the presentation for more details.
Featured image for “Opening New Markets with Sheet-fed Inkjet Systems”
June 9, 2020

Opening New Markets with Sheet-fed Inkjet Systems

Sheet-fed inkjet is a small world populated with very diverse players. OEMs may be focused on displacing monochrome in transaction print, full color B2 toner devices or sheet-fed offset. They
Featured image for “Status of Inkjet in Online print”
June 2, 2020

Status of Inkjet in Online print

One of the fastest growing markets in commercial print is online printing. It rather describes a process than a type of printing company or print application, but yet we tend to know what is meant with the term: a printing company that conducts the majority of their transactions via a web interface.
Featured image for “The Inkjet Printing Market in Europe – Package Printing”
March 19, 2020

The Inkjet Printing Market in Europe – Package Printing

Ralf Schlozer looks at how uptake for inkjet differs based on the packaging market addressed and identifies rapid changes happening in the market. Includes highlights of major adopters of various inkjet packaging technologies.
Featured image for “The Inkjet Production Printing Market in Europe – Commercial and Specialty Printing”
March 4, 2020

The Inkjet Production Printing Market in Europe – Commercial and Specialty Printing

Ralf Schlozer takes a careful look at aspects of the commercial printing market in Europe and where inkjet has and has not penetrated. Key adopters of different inkjet options are referenced along with expectations for future development.
Featured image for “The Inkjet Production Printing Market in Europe – Book Printing”
February 18, 2020

The Inkjet Production Printing Market in Europe – Book Printing

In Europe, inkjet printing of books continues to have great success. And the good news? There is still room to grow in the book printing market. Ralf Schlozer shares information on top producers in Europe and key trends for 2020 and beyond.
Featured image for “drupa 2016 to 2020: the Inkjet Journey”
November 21, 2019

drupa 2016 to 2020: the Inkjet Journey

Pat McGrew delivers the 3rd in her drupa series looking at some of the key announcement from 2016 and who has delivered – and who has not.
Featured image for “Industrial Print at InPrint 2019 – not your usual trade show”
November 14, 2019

Industrial Print at InPrint 2019 – not your usual trade show

Ralf Schlözer provides an overview of key technology launches this week at InPrint Munich as well as insight into why this event is different and valuable.
Featured image for “Production Inkjet Tradeshow Shopping Guide Part 3 – Inkjet Trends”
October 16, 2019

Production Inkjet Tradeshow Shopping Guide Part 3 – Inkjet Trends

When shopping for inkjet, take a look at the many ways OEMs are handling compatibility with offset gloss coated stocks. Also consider hybrid and DIY inkjet and, as always, don’t forget the software. Here’s what you need to know.
Featured image for “Inkjet, Toner and Being Marco Boer”
June 12, 2019

Inkjet, Toner and Being Marco Boer

Is inkjet eating toner’s lunch? In some areas, yes. But, as long as there are many types of print organizations, there will be a need for many types of printing devices. One size does not fit all. Your mileage may vary. Definitely see the dealer for details.
Featured image for “High Speed Inkjet Devices Take on Commercial Print Quality”
June 5, 2019

High Speed Inkjet Devices Take on Commercial Print Quality

Many buyers in 2019 are looking to complement or replace their offset production capabilities. High speed inkjet is gaining acceptance in a market with high print quality and color expectations. We are talking about high end, high value printing such as marketing collateral, magazines and catalogs. Read on for a round up of factors in evaluating presses for this market and top OEMs making the cut.

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