Surrounding Inkjet with Breakthrough Workflow Solutions

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Elizabeth Gooding, Inkjet Insight
Pat McGrew, McGrew Group

Even with the latest press, your operation is only as competitive as the environment it is installed in. The most productive, dependable and versatile inkjet implementations leverage innovative software, hardware and process design to differentiate themselves from the competition. Seemingly minor innovations in RIP or color management software or in hardware for finishing, drying, or substrate handline can have a disproportionate impact on efficiency or the ability to enter new markets. 

Pat McGrew and Elizabeth Gooding team up for a look at the software and hardware innovations that are allowing inkjet to do more and how they fit together for even more power. Attendees will learn about: 

  • Software innovations driving inkjet productivity from RIPS to color and output management.
  • Hardware innovations from paper handling and drying to finishing and enhancement.
  • Innovative software and hardware combos to drive inline quality control.

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